Forget about lifting weights—this 30-minute yoga practice strengthens and stretches your core.

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Forget about lifting weights—this 30-minute yoga practice strengthens and stretches your core.

Forget about lifting weights for a moment and consider incorporating this 30-minute yoga routine into your daily schedule. This routine, designed by Move With Nicole, is perfect for both beginners and advanced yogis, aiming to enhance flexibility, strengthen your core, and stretch muscles throughout your body.


Begin your practice in child's pose, focusing on your breath and setting intentions for your session. This gentle breathing exercise helps bring your attention to your body, promoting mindfulness and relaxation. Regularly performing breathing exercises has been shown to improve anxiety and stress levels while increasing mind-body awareness.


Throughout the routine, you'll move through a series of popular yoga poses designed to build mobile shoulders and hips while stretching tight muscle groups like the hamstrings, back, chest, and shoulders. Unlike faster-paced vinyasa or Rocket styles, this flow class slows things down, allowing you to move into each muscle group with care and attention.


The benefits of yoga are plentiful, engaging the whole body and major muscle groups. Regular practice can build muscle, strengthen bones and ligaments, improve core stability and strength, and boost balance, coordination, and overall stability.


While 30 minutes of yoga can improve your mood and reduce stress, consistency is key to achieving long-term results. We recommend adding yoga into your exercise routine more regularly, even once a week, to reap the benefits.


During the routine, pay special attention to your lower back and spine. Don't worry if you don't look like Nicole during any of these postures – flexibility takes time to develop. Focus on lengthening your spine and sitting tall during core exercises, breathing as you move.


Remember to be kind to yourself during this short yoga routine and avoid punishing yourself if you struggle with any poses. Yoga is less about the ego and more about feeling good within your body.

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